Wellness morning at Masia d’en Cabanyes

On Saturday June 1st we offered a wellness morning at the Masia d’en Cabanyes, with pilates and fun dance sessions suitable for all audiences, led by Thérèse Lorenzo and Lluís Pascual.

The attendees, around a dozen people, enjoyed some time of physical activity, health and reconnection between mind and body.

The first session was a basic pilates activity, held indoors, facilitated by Lluís. The second was a fun dance facilitated by Thérèse, where the participants spent a good time improvising dance moves and interacting with each other.

The activity ended with a little snack, where we could have an informal conversation and the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Thank you, Thérèse and Lluís, for giving us your time altruistically, committed to our cause. The activity was a success and left us wanting to repeat it later.

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