How will we do it?

From FundARC we want to do our bit to start changing the reality regarding the lack of medical and scientific advances and the lack of awareness about sarcoma. In order to achieve this, we will work on the following main lines of action:

  • Establishment of collaboration agreements with research centers in order to finance scientific-medical projects that are promising for the diagnosis and treatment of sarcoma.
  • Promoting projects and activities aimed at the continuous training of medical personnel, laboratory technicians and other specialists, to provide them with knowledge and better skills.
  • Facilitating access to treatments and support services for sarcoma patients.
  • Collaboration in the organization or financing of events for the study and dissemination of knowledge about sarcoma, such as courses, conferences, etc.
  • Creation of awareness campaigns to give visibility to sarcoma and other minority oncological diseases.

To carry out these lines of action, we will need funding sources and have the necessary material and human resources, which we will obtain mainly through:

  • The recruitment of partners and stable donors, both natural and legal persons, as well as the obtaining of one-off donations.
  • The organization of cultural, sporting or other activities aimed at spreading and raising funds.
  • The creation of a volunteer base that will help us organize events, spread the word about the Foundation and other tasks that are necessary.
  • The hiring of professionals for the specialized tasks that require it.
  • The collaboration with other entities and foundations related to our founding purposes in activities or events in which we can increase the impact by acting together.
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